Using SquadUP Social Features to Promote Your Event
|SquadUP is a highly social event planning platform. Take advantage! In today’s social media centered world, it would be foolish not to familiarize yourself with the trends and apply them to your event promotion. We make it easy for guests to share your event on Facebook and twitter and you don’t have to do anything as a host to make that happen. Sit back and watch as your guests become your promoters.
Select an event-specific hashtag. There are a few things to keep in mind here. First off, you’ll unify all of the social banter surrounding your event. Instead of 10 little discussions taking place across multiple social media platforms, you’ll have one, strong campaign. This will make your event look even bigger and better than it is, and help to avoid confusion from your prospective guests. In addition, SquadUP can pull all of the social media content to the Social Gallery (both on the web platform and in the mobile app) using your event-specific hashtag. Choose something descriptive, unique, and concise. See if you can get some branding in the hashtag for bonus points. If there’s a title sponsor or partner you can advertise this when soliciting their sponsorship. For example, instead of #NewYearsExtravaganza we would go with #squadupNYE.
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