Getting Started, The Smart Way
|We know you’re excited about your big event. Before jumping in head first, take the time to formulate a game plan. With so much to keep track of, it’s no wonder that the best #EventProfs are incredibly organized. Being overly prepared is how your reduce stress on the day of your event.
The first step to staying organized is your handy Event Planning Checklist. These may be the basics, but they are also the foundation for your event. If you want to host a successful event, this is how you get started. Check them off one by one as you go.
The event planning life cycle can be broken down into four separate phases: Creating Your Event, Marketing Your Event, Managing Your Event, and Memorializing Your Event. The purpose of SquadUP’s Event Lab is to walk you through each stage and who you how to take advantage of the tools at your disposal. If you find yourself overwhelmed by the process, lean on our customer success managers for support. Don’t let our expertise and event industry research go to waste!
When you’re ready, you can create your event page on SquadUP. It can be helpful to check out the event creation form in the beginning to get a better idea of what details you need to confirm.
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a business the easy way. Too many people have great ideas but get so bogged down by the steps and obstacles to startup that they give up before they even start. Their mistake: They do everything the hard way. Wouldn t it be great to know the secrets of making startup as simple as possible, and getting your business up and running as quickly as possible? We ve uncovered these secrets and devoted this issue of
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hank you so much for this. I was into this issue and tired to tinker around to check if its possible but couldnt get it done. Now that i have seen the way you did it, thanks guys