There’s No Way This Video Doesn’t Get Taken Down, Right?!
|Have you watched it yet?! Who cares if you were in New York City for New Year’s Eve this year or not. Everything you need to know about how 21-year-olds party on NYE can be learned by watching the dance moves in this video.
There are only two logical follow up questions to this video:
1) How many friends’ days can I make by showing them this video before it disappears forever?
2) Do I have to wait until NYE next year to get involved in this debauchery?
I can’t answer the first question, although I imagine it will get passed around plenty and someone smart will find a way to keep it alive somewhere, even after it gets taken down. But the second question is worth looking into.
The group that hosted the first event is Omicon Entertainment and is hosting a #1984Party on March 6th. What’s a 1984 party? All we know is that “this event will be for experience seekers.” And if you check out the event page, you’ll find that the party is just as cryptic (and amazing) as it sounds. I can’t wait to see the after-video for this one.
Great details in your article.
Excellent Post
Excellent information on your Article.