Awesome Wholesome: 12 Dishes to Serve at Your Summer Event



With the weather so warm, summer events provide a bit of challenge when it comes to planning an event menu. On the whole, winners for summer shindigs tend to be on the lighter side: for savory items, that means light yet satisfying; for sweets, they have to be refreshing but interesting. To make up for the lack of creamy fall and winter elements, summer event dishes are all about freshness in taste, color and presentation.

With that in mind, we’ve put together a list of our favorite Pinteresty dishes that would make for excellent event fare, to aid you in your quest for the perfect wholesome summer menu. Here are our top picks! (Be sure to click the pictures for their corresponding recipe!)

Let us know via Twitter if you have a favorite summer event dish—we’d love your input!

SquadUP Tip: You might have already figured out that the SquadUP app is a great resource for crowdsourcing menu ideas. Within the app social gallery, you can create a #hashtag for your event and ask guests to chime in with requests! Find out more about the app.


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