2nd Semester Highlights


With the spring semester nearing a close we took the time to look back on some of the biggest, best, and most unique college events this semester. Two things really stood out to us: 1)  the wide range of events that students used the SquadUP platform for and 2) looking at pictures from these parties makes us really jealous of the amazing time these students are having. In order to celebrate the unforgettable semester we want to take you through the different types of events students used SquadUP for and our favorite and pictures. Sorry if we left yours out, we’re proud to say we had a lot to choose from.

Our Favorite Events

1) The College Roadshow. How could we not put this first?! Five 300+ person raging parties, all at different schools, over the course of week long road trip that we got to attend and relive our college glory days… yeah, that’s a winner.

2) Using SquadUP to ask someone out on a date. (And stay tuned for our upcoming blog post on how one girl asked out her prom date, SquadUP style!)

3) Group apparel orders. These got started back in the Fall of 2013 and have opened up a whole new category of SquadUP college events.

4) Fundraisers! Shout out to Greek life for easily hosting the most fundraisers this year of any college social scene. We’re happy we could help raise money for your amazing causes.

5) Trips. Whether it was a road trip to your favorite music festival where you needed to split costs for transportation, tickets, food, and more, or a classic spring break, we’re on board!

And now, what you really want to see– a montage of pics from this semester’s events. Enjoy!


There’s still time to host an event this semester. How about an end-of-the-year or grad party? SquadUP can help!


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